So here we are, another week into the year. I am feeling pretty good about the 100-day project. I think I picked a decent approach and have in mind that I will start soon working on the actual transfer of the drawings. Here are a few of my favorites so far. You can follow the Instagram account for the daily update.

I am waiting still to hear back about the official aspect of the Master’s program and will definitely post an image of the degree when it shows up, until then, I’m moving on. I signed up for a class through the Ceramic Materials Workshop folks and so far have found some really good, introductory information. There are longer and more in-depth classes offered but I think this is a good start. I also bought a book by John Britt to help me understand more.
Beyond that, I fired off two kilns at work this week, one bisque and one glaze, and am waiting patiently to see how the glaze fire turned out. I have a few small things in there amidst the student work. More to come about that when the cooling has happened.
So the kilns fired just so, it’s good to see. One of the projects in the glaze fire is a new flock for my @hideNsheep project. As a part of that, I started looking into core values and came across this list from James Clear, who I happened to have started following recently, so that was pleasant to reaffirm that I appreciate his content. Anyway, I am working on adding core values to the sheep, so that when they are found, they can spread some positive messages.
All for now.